I was with some children. They were walking up a mountain looking for I don't know what and we came face to face with a tall gentleman whose face was or at least seemed to be covered. Ahead of us was a narrow-width truck. Forced, we found ourselves there looking for an exit. I never stopped thinking about that person. Soon after I had a flash and I could see what the gentleman from earlier was doing... That gentleman had no heart, he ordered his henchman, a poor man who worked for him to throw a dead person off a cliff but looking closely you could see that that person had already been dead for some time. I looked better at that person who wasn't a corpse at all it was a skeleton tied to a rope, with the organs outside and with blood along the skeleton. Two people came - they freed us and then going to the neighboring castle. There he always welcomed us, the tall gentleman. The kids went to the lovely park outside. It was just me and him. His face was sad. I tell myself a lot of things. I grabbed her tablet and to my surprise, she had a daughter. She had just sent him a video. It was exciting. The girl spoke to her father and it was a wonderful thing. He managed to warm even the heart of the most insensitive being in the world. The man was moved. His daughter and he were distant and he explained that his wife had left him. He was alone. He told me and explained his work and only then did I understand what he was made of: it was good. The blood of the skeleton I then thought was fake. All my anger went away. I gave him some comfort. I hugged him and told him I was close to him, we had become friends.
Questo sogno potrebbe essere potenzialmente una riflessione del tuo stato interiore. L'escursione in montagna rappresenta il tuo viaggio verso l'autodescoperta e l'esplorazione. L'incontro con il grande uomo e il camion che blocca il tuo percorso simbolizzano gli ostacoli che potresti incontrare nella tua vita e la necessità di trovare una soluzione per superarli.
Il volto dell'uomo che è coperto suggerisce che potrebbero esserci aspetti di te che potresti non capire o riconoscere completamente. La visione successiva mostra il lato oscuro dell'uomo, indicando che potresti lottare con emozioni o pensieri negativi.
Le due persone che ti hanno salvato rappresentano le persone di sostegno nella tua vita che ti aiutano attraverso momenti difficili. Il castello potrebbe simboleggiare un luogo di rifugio o sicurezza. Il volto addolorato dell'uomo e la sua tavoletta con il video suggeriscono che sta cercando supporto emotivo e connessione.
Il sogno potrebbe suggerire che devi lasciar andare i tuoi pensieri e le emozioni negative ed essere aperto a nuove esperienze. Inoltre, potrebbe indicare che devi guardare oltre le apparenze e riservare il giudizio finché non conosci le persone.